Monday, July 30, 2012

First day here!

So yesterday we finally got to Scotland!!! YAY! Everyone was so welcoming:) We went straight to rehearsal and learned our parts. We went to supper where we were practicing and it surprisingly wasn't as gross as Kearsney had warned me! We then had more rehearsal and then came back to our residence and got our rooms and internet! Our rooms are really nice and we even get our OWN bathroom! I'm like next to the kitchen which can get loud and is kind of isolated but my own bathroom definately makes up for it. Lights out were early but I couldn't get to sleep  because of the time difference but eventually the exhaustion from the flight nightmares got the best of me and I fell asleep.

Today we had to be ready for 7:15 breakfast which is on our own campus and the food is actually kinda good! We went and rehearsed outside and I actually got to dance in the dance rather than on the sidelines which was such a relief because I was pretty stressed about the formations. After rehearsals we went back to our residence and got more GOOD food and then we got our costumes.... We look like whiskey fairies;) We then had free time so me and a couple of the girls walked downtown and went to PRIMARK..... BEST STORE EVER. So cheap. Four floors.. Cannot wait for Jodi to come! She will love it:) Then we went to Boots and I had to buy a straightener because I possibly busted mine..... (John HELP!) But it was only 10 pounds so no biggie. I also had to get waterproof mascara because the weather here is BIPOLAR. I swear to god mother nature cannot choose to by sunny, rainy, hot or cold. It's all four of those in a span of an hour ALL day long!

Tonight we have the first rehearsal at the castle!! So exciting:)

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